Our Services

Assisted Living
For those elderly people who are requiring only assistance in their activities of daily living, but are functional for most part of their overall well-being, our centre has caregivers who are trained in managing geriatric patients, under the supervision of skilled and qualified nurses and medical team.

Long-Term Care
Many elderly suffer from chronic medical conditions like Alzheimer's Dementia, Stroke, Advanced Parkinson Disease or some condition which makes their mobility severely restricted and completely dependent for their functionality. Taking care at their own home becomes a challenge. Our centre provides supervised medical care and attention as per individual person's needs.

Palliative Care & Hospice
With the increase in life expectancy, many elderly people suffer from debilitating and terminal conditions like cancer, advanced dementia, progressive neurodegenerative conditions, severe respiratory diseases for which either no curative treatment is available or the person is not fit enough to undergo the treatment. Our centre offers dignified and compassionate care to such elderly people.

Post-Operative Care
Many elderly have unprovoked falls, which leads to hip fracture or some other injury requiring surgery. Most of the times, they are discharged from the hospital without proper optimisation of their functionality. They are then dependent on care services and physiotherapy from outside, which in unreliable. Our centre offers extensive rehabilitation along with optimisation of their medications to ensure quick recovery and faster return of their functionality, so that they become independent in their activities of daily living.

Respite Care
With increasing healthcare expense and lack of health insurance coverage in the elderly people, many families are forced to take care of them at their homes by themselves or through outside help, which is unreliable. This leads to family members / caregiver burnout. Family members are not able to attend important events like their children's function or weddings or even go on a vacation. Our centre offers short-term accommodation for such elderly people so that the family members get rest and are able to attend to their other commitments, but at the same time are ensured that their senior members are under a supervised care of a medical team.

Transitional Care
Because of increasing healthcare expenses, many elderly people are discharged from hospital for lack of finances and the relatives are forced to care for them at home by arranging nurses, iv injections and physiotherapy from various sources. Our centre offers a step down / transition between a hospital & home, so that the elderly are optimised and independent when they go back home.